Winter Auto Maintenance with Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Winter Auto Maintenance with Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Automotive maintenance and safety is important year round, but there are some auto maintenance tasks that should never be overlooked when colder weather is on the way.  Performing regular and season auto maintenance will save you from bigger auto repairs in the future.

Your car’s various systems can be greatly affected by low or freezing temperatures.  In addition, road salt, sand, snow and freezing rain can wreak havoc on your automobile.  Save yourself from avoidable auto repairs by keeping up with your vehicle maintenance, not only now, but throughout the year.  One of the best ways to save yourself from ending up in an auto repair shop is to be sure you are keeping everything you can in top shape and running smoothly and efficiently.

Seasonal Auto Maintenance for Winter Weather

Check antifreeze levels:

It may seem like a no-brainer, but these are often the type of tasks that get overlooked or left off the to-do list.  Having the proper amount of antifreeze in your car’s cooling system during winter is very important.  Your water and antifreeze mixture should be at or very close to a half and half or 50/50 blend.  To check the fluid currently in your radiator for levels, some auto shops will offer a check for minimal to no cost, or you can purchase a tester yourself for a very modest price.

Check the Tires:

Having good tire performance can save a life…literally.  Winter is a great time to do a full tire inspection, making sure they can handle whatever winter may throw their way.  Start with tread depth.  It is recommended that you have 2/32” deep tread in order to drive safely.  During winter weather in areas with harsher climates, it has been said that anything under 4/32”, or 1/8”, really needs to be replaced asap.  I have found that using the age old penny test actually works too.  If the tread is looking good and solid, move on to tire pressure.  As temperatures go down, your tires will lose a little bit of pressure at a time.  During winter months I highly suggest keeping a regular check on your tire pressure.

Check the Windshield Wipers:

Having wipers that are in good shape is just as important during winter weather as it is during the spring rains and summer storms.  Not only do drivers face falling snow, but freezing rain and that disgusting winter road muck that always gets kicked back from the car or truck driving in front of you.  If your wipers are not in great shape, replace your windshield wipers now.

Re-fill the Windshield Washer Fluid Supply:

Again, you will contend with all sorts of grime on the windshield during winter driving.  Remember that road muck we just talked about?  That muck is filled with all of the normal road oils and dirt, but the added mess of slush and road salt or sand.  Do not scrimp and fill your windshield washer reservoir with water.  When water freezes, automotive windshield washer fluid will not.

Be sure to take the small amount of time it will require to give proper attention to winterizing your car.  It is always better to do it before you are already facing the troubles from not doing it before you needed it.  While Sanford’s Automotive Service loves to perform any needed auto repairs, both foreign and domestic, we do not want to see you spend cash you did not have to.  Because we care about our customers, we want all drivers to know every way they can to save cash on auto repairs, and preventative maintenance is ALWAYS high on the list.

For superior auto repair in or around Columbia, SC  auto repair pro come by Sanford’s at 7917 Wilson Blvd. or call 803-735-7902 to set your auto repair appointment now!

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